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Year 7 - RE - St John Baptist de La Salle: Writing a letter St John Baptist de La Salle style

The letters of St John Batiste de La Salle


St John Baptist de La Salle writing

Letter to Brother Denis 


Letter 3, to Brother Denis, has a piece of black cloth sewn into the paper at the
lower left, and the words morceau de la couverture de son nouveau testament (a piece of
his New Testament cover) have been added. Perhaps Brother Denis received
the fragment of cloth as a relic after the Founder’s death and thought it best to
attach it to the letter for safekeeping.

Original letters of St John Baptist de La Salle with translations can be found here


Letter 1: To the Mayor and Councilors of Château-Porcien


Original letters of St John Baptist de La Salle with translations can be found here